如水会 実務英語研究会

  December 5,1994
  Dear Yuichi:

Thank you for your informative letter. It seems that each time I answer your letter, I am getting ready to leave on a trip. It is true again. Tomorrow I leave with some friends to go to Costa Rica. We will be gone 12 days .They go there several times a year to see their daughter and son-in-law. When they asked me to go with them, I could not refuse such an opportunity. The B-29s played a very important rele as they brought the war home to the ordinary Japanese. There may have been a eventual surrender, but the Allies had already set an invasion time. Then, if this had happened, the lost on both sides would have been disasterous. As you know, all POWs were to be killed immediately if this had occurred. I do not believe Japan could had recovered to become the nation it is today. The A-bombs gave the Emperor a good excuse to end the war in a more graceful manner. I do not believe it will be worthwhile to take the Kato tape to London due to the fact that it is in Japanese and we would not understand all of it.It would also lighten your load of luggage. I am looking forward to seeing you in London.I will try to arrange to have a get-to-gather with a few of willing X-Omorites.Do not worry about it. Thank you for the Japanese language lesson. It clarified several questions in my mind. Fortunately, I have refer to Captain Jame's book and that of Bush's for the proper spelling of Japanese words.There still remain some differences. I am glad to get your comments about Col.Sakaba. It has given me a better understanding of his ations and position. "Buddies" is a slang term referring to close friends, comrades or to other men in a close group.For example-my buddies in the barracks. George Plimer was a very good natured man. I had always thought his name was "PLummer". I do enjoy hearing from him and I have given him your best regards. I appreciate very much in receiving the copies of the Emperor's Rescript.Each piece of information I receive from you helps in my understanding the situations and events of that period in our lives. I presume the original copy of the surrenderdocuments which were signed aboard the U.S.S.Missouri are also in the National Archives. This has been a very busy time for me. Preparing for the Christmas holidays, trying to do a little work on my manuscript, and preparing for some trips have been complicated by a request from the Admiral Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg ( 80 miles west of Austin ) for the use of some of my photos and other materials for a display at the museum and at a symposium in March. I get back from Costa Rica on the 17th, leave on the 23rd to spend Christmas with my son at South Padre Island ( southern tip of Texas ) for three night and then return to leave on the 29th for San Francisco. It is difficult to get everything done in my so-called "retirement yeards". May the "New Year" bring you great happiness. Sincerely,


如水会 実務英語研究会