如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.25 April 11,1995
  Dear Yuichi:

You should be "Down Under" by now. It should be an enjoyable trip.

For the first time in months. I feel like all of the pressure to get a lot of things done is over.I have finally caught up on my correspondence, completed the research requested by the other people, edited for facts part of a manuscript for Fiske Hanley and have turned my manuscript back to the computer woman for corrections to be made. It is a nice feeling to have all of that done. My only concern now is the completion of some dental work. I will be glad when it is completed. Now that I have the time, I thought I would start a letter to you and bring you up to date on several matters. I may take several days to complete this letter.

First, in regards to finding people who had been in the camp at Suwa. While going through my records to find some data for someone else, I was reminded of something which I had not recalled when Helen had first asked for information. I guess I am starting to get old and losing my memory. In short, this is the information I have been able to put together.

Squadron Leader Leonard J. Birchall ( Canadian ) was the Senior POW Officer at Camp 6B ( iron ore mine ) at Suwa. The camp was opened in June of 1945. Birchall and most of the men had been transferred there after their camp in Yokohama had been burnt out. The Japanese C.O. ( Commanding Officer ) was Lt.Hayashi, who had also been in Yokohama. A tota of 232 were in the group. Hayashi was transferred to Kawabe on July 12,1945.

At McGrew has told me that he was also at Suwa, but he had worked at a smelter. This indicates there were two camps at Suwa. I think I recall your telling me last year that Hayashi had been in charge of two camps.

All of this information has been sent to Helen so she could relay it to her contact in Japan. As of now, I have not heard from her about the name of the contact. I told Helen you were the person to contact for information about Hayashi.

Al McGrew in San Diego has been in contact with Yasuyo Komatsu in Nagano. He will be going there in June , if his health permits.

Now for question to you. It has been said the monies accumulated in our bank accounts in Japan were given to us after the Emperor's Rescript. Was this true? I do not recall receiving any money at that time.

I must close for now and I will continue this later.
I received a letter from George Parvin today.He lives in a suburb of London. He will be glad to meet with us in September. I incorrectly typed his name on the list as "Robert Parvin".
Your letter of 4/7 arrived yesterday. What a surprise. Congratulations. Some people have all of the good luck.This is your second free trip offer in two months. The other one was Texas. I would like to join you in London on the 9th, but I am unsure if the dental work will allow it. Today I will call my dentist and check with my travel agent. I will continue this letter after I get some more information.
I have not been able to get hold of my dentist as he is out of town for the Easter holidays. I will have to wait until Monday. His dental technician indicated it would be at least until after May 6 before the work will be completed. The possibility of my getting to London at this time does not look good.
My son is going to spend Saturday and Sunday nights with me. He is coiming from South Texas.I have not seen him since Christmas.
I had a very nice visit with my son. I have an appointment with my dentist tomorrow.

Enclosed is a copy of the copy of the letter which Helen received requesting information about the camp at Suwa. Unfortunately, the copy she sent me was incomplete, but I thougt you might like to see it.
I saw my dentist this afternoon. He will try to have the work completed by May 5th, if all goes will. I am having my travel agent to get me an inexpensive ticket to London. Expect to leave on the 6th, I will be staying at the Victory Service Club. I will call Tom if I have to cancel. Let me know where you are staying. Will write more later, as I want to get this in the mail tomorrow.



如水会 実務英語研究会