如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.2- August 20,1995
  Dear Yuichi:
I am most thankful for your efforts in obtaning the survey map from the mayor of Ota-ku. It does put the question of how long was the bridege to rest. I will write the mayor and thank him personally.The two photos are also appreciated. I had forgotten about the curve of the bridge. Goldsworthy still lives in Washington state as far as I know. I talked to him on the telephone about a year ago. Now to current events. This past week has been most interesting and busy for me. Tom Wade was interviewed by a number of London newspaper. The newspapers became very interested in knowing more about Watanabe, so Tom referred them to me. I had four reporters call me from London and one from Tokyo. Several were interested in obtaining the copy of the translation of Watanabe's article that I have. I returned to release it for several reasons. Primarily because I want it for my manuscript. I did give them the name of the magazine so they could try to find it and do their own translation. I do not trust reporters to give accurate information or proper credits. I directed them to Sam Takahashi when they wanted to know the whereabout of Watanabe. I hope Sam got some benefits from this effort. One reporter called me back to say that an interview had been arranged with Watanabe. Tom Wade called me at 4:30 in the morning yesterday (Saturday) to tell me that areport of the interview would be in the London newspaper The Mail On Sunday today. I called your daughter in London to tell her about the article so she could get a copy of the Sunday edition for you. I believe I talked to the father of your son-in-law. He said you had changed your plans and were not expeced to come there, but they would get the paper and send it to you. I will be getting copies from several newspaper dealers here in Austin. I am looking forward to seeing what Watanabe said, but I am unsure how the British reporters will record it. I trust you are having a most satisfying trip to Germany and that your presentation went as well as you wanted it. I am tentatively thinking about going to Japan Next Spring. When is the best time? It is too early to make difinite plans because at my age I never know what medical problems may develop. I would expect to spend a week to ten days there. I would like to send a longer time there, but the hotel rates are high, even at the U.S. military hotel in Tokyo ( The Sanno ). I have always been interested in seein g Kyoto and the non-tourist areas of Japan. I must close now as I have a lot to do today.


如水会 実務英語研究会