如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.2-July 20,1995
  Dear Yuichi:

I returned from California last night and got some of my mail at the Post Office. Your letter of July 12 was there. I realize you needed a quick answer about the photos taken in London so I am trying to get this off as soon as possible ( today ). Yes, you may use the photos as you think is proper. In order to save you some time, I am enclosing the negatives which you can return later. I have not heard from Wade since I was in London. Perhaps there will be a letter when I pick up the rest of my mail this morning. I am sorry you will not be coming to Texas, but I know your feelings about fatigue. It is taking me longer to get over a long trip. We are now like a mature plum which needs to be handled more carefully when shipped. My travel plans now are not firm, but I may try to get to England in August if there is an Air Forece flight going at that time. However, it is very unlikely I could get on it as August is adifficult time for Retirees to get on one. I may try to get on a flight to Europe, or somewheres else in September. Must close now if I am to get this letter off today.Will write more after I catch up on the things I have to do now.

Sincerely, Bob


如水会 実務英語研究会