如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.2- July 25,1995
  Dear Yuichi:

The letters from you have stacked-up, so now I will have to try to answer all of them. Again, I regret you will not be coming to Texas this year, but I do understand and appreciate your reason for changing your plans. I believe I would have done the same thing. Helen sends her regrets. The need to have some unexpected dental work done during the next two weeks may cause me to forget trying to get to England in August. I may try to a bigger trip in September when the weather is better and it is easier to get on a Space Available military flight. A professional editor will be finished in making an initial review of my manuscript within the next few days and then I will be busy in making some changes. Thank you for the picture in the Mainichi and the clarification about the Suwa camp. I will make a note in my records about the one camp and two work places. My first talks with McGrew my telephone indicated he did not know about the other work place so this made believe there were two different camps. I am glad to have this fact corrected. I thank the people of Chio for their help and I am happy that I could help them in some small way. Joe Alexander (Trjo) was injured on an out-side work location, so he was given a job in the camp. His duties was to look after the chickens the Japanese kept near the front office. "Chicken Toban" meant that he was the orderly who tended the chickens. I still have not heard from Tom Wade and I do not know how much contact he had with Lt.Hayashi. I cannot comment on Hayashi's popularity as I had very little direct contact with him. Again you have my permission to use the photos as you see is proper. You should have the letter I wrote the day after I returned from California in which I enclosed the negatives. This shoul make it easier for you to copy. You may return them when you finish with them. You are right when you said it is hot in Texas during the summer. We had a very nice mild winter, but now it is getting to hot. The temperature is expected to be a 100 degrees this week. Fortunately, it usually lasts only about a week or so. The September temperature is normally in the 80's or low 90's. October is the best month. Although I did not read the article closely when it appeared in our newspaper, I do recall that Hashimoto was showing how the Kendo sword could be used to cause serious damage. The TV pictures showed him moving the sword to his throat. The picture could easily be misinterpreted. I believe this has included all the points in your letters so I will close for now. Have a good trip to Germany and take care of yourself.

Sincerely, Bob


如水会 実務英語研究会