如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.26 May 23,1995
  Dear Yuichi:
Words cannot express how happy I was to be able to see you again. I enjoyed our visit in London very much. Thank you for the fine lunch. I had to change my plans while I was there. I had entended to leave on Sunday for either Wales or Plymouth to visit friends, but the weather on the west coast of the U.K. was not good so I cancelled those plans and stayed in London. Wade came by the RAF Club on Monday and we had a good visit. I left on the 18th for home. It was a long trip and I am now finally getting over the jet lag. Today and tomorrow are very busy days as I have a lot to do before I leave Thursday for Boston where I will be attending the Am.Defenders of Bataan & Corregidor meeting. Dr. Goad said he would be there. I will return home on the 30th. My plans for September are very uncertain at this time. Since we have had our visit, I wanted to try to get to Italy and see Pompei. Now there is some confusion about what I will be doing at that time. I spoke to Helen McDonald briefly this morning and as usual she was busy with a meetin. She had only a minute to tell me the Museum was having a big celrebration and a parade on September2-3 to mark the end of the war. Several U.S.Presidents may be attendance ( Bush for sure ). She said CBS and ABC TVnetworks wanted to interview me at that time. She would tell me more about it after I get back from Boston. I will just have to wait and then let you know later what may be scheduled. Must close for now in order to get this in the mail before I leave. Thanks again. Sincerely, Rob


如水会 実務英語研究会