如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.2- October 22,1995
  Dear Yuichi:

I am glad you find most of my correspondence interesting. The photo of London was spectacular. Your letter was most interesting. I enjoy receiving letters from you as they are very informative. I always learn something new from them. The comments about Sam and Nakajima seem to verify my feelings about them. Sam is a very complex person; whereas, Nakajima is a more stable individual. I enjoyed meeting both of them. You gave me the Mayor's address. I wrote him while you were in Germany. Your description of the Naoetsu memorial controversy made me very glad I was not envolved with it.I believe you and Tom were right in not attending the dedication. I do understand and appreciate your feelings. Do not worry about the possibility of my visit to Japan. I would like to be there in mid-April, but it is too early to make difinite plans. It is more difficult to make long range plans at this stage of life as there more uncertainties,; especially about our physical conditions If I do manage to make the trip, I would prefer that it be on a casual and informal basis. Now that my manuscript is finished and my only concern now is to find a publisher, I have time to do some of things I have been wanting to get done. I had nice visits with my son in south Texas and with my daughter and her family in San Antonio. My son is being transferred to Austin. He will be here this week to look for a house.

Sincerely, Bob


如水会 実務英語研究会