如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.46 April 30,1996
  Dear Yuichi:

Just quick note to bring you up-to-date on your inquiry about ABI. It is a legitimate corporation. The Better Business Bureau of Raleigh,North Carolina, gives it a satisfactory rating. Enclosed is a copy of a page from the Encyclopedia of Associations which should be of some assistance to you. It appears to have a very limited circulation. The Austin ( City ) Library did not have a copy of the publication. You could submit a biographical entry and not buy the book. A friend from England went with me to Fredericksbugh. I had a very brief visit with Helen Mcdonald. It was not long enough to find out the answers to a number of questions as she was in between meetings. It was apparent that she has not asked any of my contacts to be on the panels in October. Incidentally, my feelings about the ABI are that it is not necessarily an honor, but a means to sell books. Sincerely,


如水会 実務英語研究会