如水会 実務英語研究会

  January 12,1996
  Dear Yuichi:
I am glad that you had a very good trip to NZ and enjoyed your visit with Plimer. Your letter answered some of the questions which I have had on my mind. You said George mentioned he had lived in barracks No.7. This is interesting as I remember the front rooms were occupied by officers, including Commanders Hurt and Blinn. The center part was used as a mailing sorting area and as the leather shop for a short time and then it was used for storage. Although I do not remember this for a fact, the cobbler's shop and the tailor shop must have been in the back two rooms of the building and that is where George stayed. Lorenzo Mirizio was also a cobbler. Fred Boughey ( British ) was a tailor. Now that I think about the location of these two shops it seems very logical as there was nowhere alse they coul have been located. I will have to ask some of the others for verification. The story about the dog is a very nice one. I remember it from Bush's book. The bad group which performed at the Christmas show in Omori on Christmas, 1944, was part of the Loyal Band which had been captured at Singapore. The leader was Bandmaster "Bunny " Austin, who later conducted orchestras for the British Bradcasting Co.Plimer did not perform in it at that time. He may have done so at other times. Wade was a member of the Loyal Regiment. The flight over the Solomons must have been beautiful. Our crew was shot down in the Bismarck Sea. We were captured three months later near the mouth of the Sepik River in New Guinea. We were taken to Rabaul ( in May,1943). I and three crewmen, plus five others, were lucky to be sent to Japan in November. The other pilot was the only one of our crew who stayed in Rabaul to survive.The other three were shot. Thank you for your explanation of the word-Fu or Foo. Our interpretation and usage of the of the word was more like a guard or overseer. Now that the holidays are over, I am trying to get back on a more regular schedule. Again my mail has stacked-up due the many notes I received in the Christmas cards. I did receive a very nice letter from Akihiko Muragishi. I went to Corpus Christi, Texas, this week and had a pleasant visit with B.J.Martin. He is still the same. He will be celebrating his 80th birthday this month. Thank you for the interesting letters. I am glad that George is doing alright. I would like to be able to see him. Sincerely, Rob


如水会 実務英語研究会