如水会 実務英語研究会

  January 29,1996
  Dear Yuichi:
Since I wrote you Friday I have been able to find out some information for you. I talked to Helen McDonald a few minutes ago.There is a mini-symposium this Spring. It will be for only one half a day and the topic is the Adm. Nimitz wartime command. I doubt that I will go to it. On October 12-13 there will be another large symposium in Fredericksburg. The topic will be the War Crimes trials. She is interested in contacting anyone who was involved with the trials. Do you know of anyone who would be appropriate in talking about them from the Japanese viewpoint? (Attotneys defendants or etc.) Incidentally, if I go to Japan it could not be in May. There is too much happening at that time. It is also the month when I would like to go to England if I can get on an Air Force flight. It may be too expensive for me to go there and to Japan. I will just have to wait for a while before making any firm decisions. I must close in order to get this off today. Sincerely, Rob


如水会 実務英語研究会