如水会 実務英語研究会

  No.47 May 16,1996
  Dear Yuichi:
This has been a bad month for me.I was out-of-town for a while when I became ill. I was very sick for over two weeks and I am still shaky as I write this first letter. I believe I told you that I would not be going to England due to the fact that there were no scheduled AF flights going there this month. An unscheduled flight did leave last Tuesday for the U.K.,but I was too sick to go at the time. Now I am hoping to be well enough to get on a flight on the 24th which will be going to Italy. I have been wanting to see Pompeii ever since I was young.Hopefully, I can make this trip. I will send Mrs.Endo an unbound copy of the manuscript on Monday so that she can make copies.Actually, I do not mind if it is first printed in Japanese. I will try again to get an American firm to publish the English edition. I do realize that the Japanese edition would be subjected to some editing. The spelling of Japanese words/names are as they were given in my sources. Those which are included in the quotations must remain as recorded; however, the correct spelling can be put in parenthesis immediately after the incorrect word. I will have the corrections make on the computer as soon as I am able to do so and/or get back from Europe. Please do not worry about Wade's feelings as I made the initial request directly to Mrs.Endo. You were not envolved. I suggest that you say nothing about it to Tom. If you must say something,then you can say that Bob did it himself. Have a good trip and thank you for the corrections.



如水会 実務英語研究会