如水会 実務英語研究会

  January 27,1998
  Dear Yuichi:

Mrs.Nagasawa called me yesterday morning to let me know that she had been trying to get a FAX to me without success. The FAX number I have been using belonged to a very good friend ( a former Naval Academy graduate ), so I called him. He told me he had discounted using that number after his partner in the consulting firm had died. Therefore, that number is no longer valid. Please notify Mrs.Nagasawa of this fact. I also wish to thank her for the telephone call. I enjoyed talking to her.

I am looking forward to receiving the material about Zamperini. I hope the Flame did not go out while he was carrying it. He had told me about the difficulty the runners were having in keeping it from going out while they were carrying it.

I do not have any news at this time. It is a big relief for me to have finished sending out the up-dated list. It went to over 225 people. I have already started to get responses to it. The TV Special has created a great deal of interest. Now I must start going through the manuscript and make any necessary corrections of clarifications as soon as possible.



如水会 実務英語研究会