如水会 実務英語研究会

  May 8,1998

Dear Yuichi;

Your letter of April 22 was waiting for me when I returned last night from California. I wanted to answer it as soon as possible so that you could get it before you leave for sunny Spain. I woke-up early this morning ( it is now 5am ) and I will meke this short so that I can get it in the mail this morning.

Thank you for your approval to use the photographs. I believe we have more than enough for the book. It is proper ( correct ) to give you the credit because you provided the photo to me. I could have said it was from my collection , but I prefer giving credit where it is due.

Your credentials ( Fulbright Scholarship and etc.) are very impressive. I remember reading about them, but I was not sure of the dates.

Your story about throwing the base-ball and Joe Mills was interesting. My story in the original bound book, which I sent you, concerning the incident about the photograph being played on a Sunday and Watanabe wanted to know who was responsible for it had to be changed. I had not been in the camp very long and I was not familiar with everyone at that time. I could only remember an American Captain, whose name started with an M, accepted the responsibility and was badly beaten by W. I said it may have been Captain Martin. Since writing the original manuscript I have asked Tom Wade about it because I remember his being there, but he did not recall the incident. When Martin said he did not remember receiving the bad beating given by W.,then I knew it must have been the other American Captain in camp at that time and whose name started with the letter M.- Captain Joe Mills. Now I feel very sure about the correct identity and I have made the change in the final copy.

I will be contacting Ed Eakin today and I will tell him about T/S publisher and about Mr.Mori agreeing to make the introductions. Please give my thanks to Mr.Mori. I have been in contact with Cambon and I will be writing him tomorrow.

I doubt CBS will release the tape of W's complete interview. I have asked several people about Newman, but I have not yet heard anything from them. Paddy Ward of the Royal Scots gave me the extra food when I got out of the guardhouse. I am glad to get the identity of the Japanese officers in the picture-"American Chow For All". Their concerns and apprehensions are understandable. Kikuchi-san's statement about "second best was very interesting. Some day I may try to get to New York and I will try to see Draggan, but I doubt I would get to see the original tapes of the interviews. I agree with you and Kikuchi.

Thank you for the additional pictures. I am sure the building in the background is the Tokyo Area clothing and supply building. The camp tool shed was to the left of the people in the photo. I do not recall seeing Yukiko-san. Two of the girls in the photo are very beautiful.I now have the consent of three of five persons willing to read the galley-proof and a statement. You (thank you), Admiral Grojean (Nimitz Foundation) and Lt.General Moore ( retired Air Force). Dr. Tom Hatfield ( University of Texas at Austin and a good friend ) is in Europe, but I am sure he will give his consent. I have not heard from Frank Tremain ( war correspondent).

I hope you have a good trip to Spain and that the bull fight will be a good one.

My trip was a good one. Spent four nights in San Francisco. Two nights at Benicia visiting my 92 years old uncle. His wife came home from the hospital, but is not expected to live much longer. I took the train over the Sierra Nevada mountains to Reno, Nevada. There was still a lot of snow. I have always wanted to do this train ride. Spent two nights in Reno and then flew home. I would like to be able to get on the Air Force plane leaving for England on the 22nd., but there are too many complications at that time. My annual physical exam is on the 19th.

I must close now as it is time for me to take my son so the airport.



如水会 実務英語研究会