如水会 実務英語研究会

  Sep 1,1998

Dear Yuichi:

Your letter of the 28th arrived yesterday.I was hoping my letter would reach you before your interview.

The detailed description of your interview could be used to describe my experience. It was like the same person had conducted both interviews. You were fortunate in having it done at your house. I would have preferred having it done here; but I tried to make it easier and less expensive for them. It was better for one person to go there than for three people and equiptment to come here. It saved them a lot of money and time; but cost me two days of my time plus the additional days to recover from the experience. Dominic didpay for the motel, one meal and my gasoline.

I was also irritated by the interruptions to repeat certain things in more detail and to ignore others. The uncomfortable seating, the interruption, and not being able to give complete responses when asked to give my opinions affected my attitude in answering some of the questions. I am now concerned about how some of the incomplete answeres will be used, because partial answers can easily be misinterpreted. We will have to wait to see the final film.

There is no other news to report to you now. I will be going to see Helen McDonald at the Nimits Museum next week.

Robert R. Martindale


如水会 実務英語研究会