如水会 実務英語研究会

  February 22,1999
Dear Yuichi:

Again, I am behind in answering your letters due to my trip to San Francisco. I decided to take advantage of some uuscheduled time and to get away for awhile. The timing was good because the girl, who did some translating for me while she lived in Austin and had moved back to Norway, was there to get some legal documents. I was also able to see several other people I needed to visit. Although the weather was not good, it was nice to get away for a while. Now I am trying to catch up on the correspondence which has accumulated.

Tom Wade finally sent me a letter which was very complimentary about the book. I am enclosing a copy of part of it.

Today, I sent you four more complimentary copies of the book which you may use as you wish. I want to thank you for contacting Mrs.Yamamoto because a review in the Stars and Stripes will be appreciated. I have also received a nice letter from Nori Nagasawa. It will be several more days before I will be able to answer it because there is so much I have to do before I have some dental surgery on Thursday ( 25th ). This also causes me to make this letter short in order to get a reply to you soon and to acknowledge receiving your card and two letters. I will write a more detailed letters to you within a few days.

Robert R. Martindale


如水会 実務英語研究会