March 5 - March 10, 2010 <6 days>

Opening Hours:
March 5: 14:00-18:30<enter before 18:00>
March 6-9:  10:00-18:30<enter before 18:00>
March 10: 10:00-14:00<enter before 13:30>


Participating Universities:
Ochanomizu University, Tokyo Metropolitan University, The University of Electro-Communications, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Hitotsubashi University(with Tsuda College: special participation)

It has a very long and hard-memorizing official name, like "The Art Exhibition by Culture Clubs of National and Public Universities in Tokyo; The Joint Exhibition by Art Clubs of Eleven National and Public Universities in Tokyo" and is commonly called "KOKKOURITSU EXHIBITION". This is the 56th exhibition.
Very very various works are exhibited at this exhibition; plane works, photographs, carvings and other solid works. They are so interesting that you will never get tired of looking at them. If you can't get interested in them, you must be just hungry or something.
We usually exhibit collaboration works at the KOKKOURITSU Exhibition, which were made by each art club under a fixed theme.

past themes...
 51th KOKKOURITSU Exhibition 2005‥‥TOKYO
 52th KOKKOURITSU Exhibition 2006‥‥Daily
 53th KOKKOURITSU Exhibition 2007‥‥Time
 54th KOKKOURITSU Exhibition 2008‥‥Colors
 55th KOKKOURITSU Exhibition 2009‥‥Water

And, you know what? The theme of this time is...


(This is not a recycled one; it's just an accident!)
Please look forward to the collaborations !
(By the way, those pictures above this window are related to the theme. From left side, they are Tokyo-Tower, Tokyo Metropolitan Government Buildings, Hachiko, and The Yasuda auditorium in the University of Tokyo. Did you tell them?)
If you find anything obscure, please send an e-mail to

This site was made by The Art Club of Hitotsubashi University and Tsuda College.