Motion Picture History

From: "Ed Chang"
Friday, April 18, 2003
Dear Yamatan,
I think you are doing great service to DC classmates, telling them so many heart warming stories about French movies.
Now that Iraq has been conquered in one month, and America shows every intention to bring the war over to Syria, it is wonderful that you can make us forget thsese unpleasant happenings of real world, and indulge ourselves in the memories of those good days.

I have a copy of history book called "The Timetables of History" published by Simon and Schuster of New York.
It is an English rendition of an original German work named "Kulturfahrplan (Culture Timetables)" by Werner Stein in 1946.
It is a dating from 5000 years BC to the present.
You might have a Japanese version of this excellent reference materials.
In the following, I will try to pick up historical highlights of
motion picture history,
hoping you may find some of them interesting:

    1895 Auguste and Louis Lumiere brothers invent a motion-picture camera

1900 Film "Cinderella" directed by Georges Melies
1901 Film "The Little Doctor" (English)
1902 Film "Salome" (Oskar Messter)
1903 Film "The Great Train Robbery" (longest film to date: 12 minutes)
1904 French films: "Le Barbier de Seville"; "Le Damnation de Faust"
1905 French film "Potemkin" by Nouguet.

    First cinema theater opened in Pittsburgh.

    1906 Greta Garbo born in Sweden
    1907 Louis Lumiere develops a process for color photography
        using a 3-color screen.
       Titles replace commentator.
       Slow-motion effect invented by August Musger.

1908 Film "The Last Days of Pompeii" by Arturo Ambrosio
1909 French film "Carmen".
    First newsreels.
    Mary Pickford becomes first film star.
    (Pickford was born in Toronto, and later married to Douglas Fairbanks.)

1910 Films "Lucrezia Borgia" (Italy); "Hamlet" (Denmark);
    "Peter the Great" (Russia)
1911 Films "Anna Karenina" (Russia); "Spartacus" and "pinocchio" (Italy)
1912 Films "Quo Vadis" (Italy); "War and Peace" (Russia)
1913 First movies by Charlie Chaplin. German film "Der Student von Prag".
1914 More Chaplin movies "Making a Living"; "Tillie's Punctured Romance"
1915 Films "The Lamb" (Douglas Fairbanks); "Birth of a Nation" (US)
1916 Chaplin movie "The Pawn Shop"
1917 Mary pickford movie "The Little Princess".
    UFA (Universum Film Aktiengesellschaft)
     becomes largest film production company in Germany.
    Chaplin's salary $1 million.

1922 Harold Lloyd comedy "Grandma's Boy"
1923 Films "Robin Hood" (Fairbanks); "Why Worry" (Lloyd);
   "The Pilgrim" (Chaplin)
1924 Films "The Thief of Bagdad" (Fairbanks);
   "The Navigator" (Buster Keaton)
1926 Film "Don Juan" (John Barrymore).

    Lubitsch moves from Berlin to Hollywood.

1927 First talkie "The Jazz Singer" (Al Jolson).
    Greta Garbo film "Flesh and the Devil"
1928 Rene Clair film "Italian Straw Hat".
    First Micky Mouse films by Walt Disney.
1929 Silent films disappear.
    "Love Parade" (Lubitsch);
   "Blackmail" (Hitchcock)
1930 German film "Blue Angel" starring Marlene Dietrich .嘆きの天使
    Rene Clair's film "Sous les Toits de Paris".
    Greta Garbo in "Anna Christie". "Hell's Angels" by Howard Hughes.
1931 Lilian Harey in "Kongress Tanzt". Chaplin in "City Lights".
   Rene Clair "Le Million".
   Boris Karloff in "Frankenstein".
   Disney's first color movie "Flowers and Trees"

(to be continued ...)



Friday, April 18, 2003
Subject: 活動写真から映画へ
Dear Yamatan,

田舎の中学に居て、 「活動写真」しか見ていなかった私は、東京の学校に入ってから「映画」ばかり見 る ようになり、その時に受けたカルチュラルショックを、今でも忘れられません。
個人的な感触から言えば、田舎で見て居た「活動」は無声のチャンバ ラ 物ばかりで、「動作」だけを見て楽しんで居たのだが、東京では台詞と音楽を主と す る文芸ものを、音声つきの「トーキー」で見るという大変化が起り、私自身にとっ て は、昭和11年の予科入学が二つの用語の分水嶺に成りました。
そう言う経験から推測して言えば、映画を発明したフランス人が Cinema と名付けたのも、元々ギリシャ語の kinema(うごき)に源流を求めたもので有 り、 それに習って英米人がMotion-picturesと呼んだのも、「動作 」が見せ所だと思ったので有りましょう。それが崩れてMoviesと成った今でも「動 き」 と言う語源が影を残しています。 従って「映画」という言葉の出現とそれが広く使われて定着するまで には、可成りの年月が有ったと思われ「有声活動写真」が幅を利かしてからでは無 い のでしょうか。
そして「活動」と「映画」の中間に挟まって「シネマ」と呼んだ 時 代が有ったとも考えられます。
昭和初年のソングで西条八十は、「シネマ見ましょうか、お茶飲みま しょ うか」と書いているが、それから見ると、あの頃は未だ「映画見ましょうか」と唄 わ れる程に、「映画」という用語はポピュラーでなかったのでしょうか。 同じ歌の 中 で、「恋の丸ビルあの窓あたり」と有るから、時代の背景がほぼ推測出来ます。
参考までながら中国大陸では、映画事業発祥の地シャンハイでも、そ の 流れを汲むホンコンでも、一貫して「電影、影戯、影片、影業、、、」等と、 「影」 という字を使っており、その点で日本の「映画」と言う意味に近い処が見えます。 ED

Fri, 2 May 2003
( Dear Yamatan,
Sorry not writing to you sooner,
because we have been kept busy by the granddaughter and the grandson who came to visit us from New Jersey.
Now that they have gone home, we have our second daughter Angie with us from Milan for a 4-week stay.
We feel as though we were running a room-and-board "pension", without getting paid for the service. )

I will continue the history of movies as I promised but may have to break it into installments, as the time allows:

1932"M" (Fritz Lang: Peter Lorre);"A nous la liberte" (Rene Clair);
    "A Farewell to Arms" (Gary Cooper);
    "Grand Hotel" AcademyAward (Garbo);"Shanghai Express" (Dietrich);
    First "Tarzan" movie by Johnny Weissmuller;
     Shirley Temple's first movie "Red-haired Alibi"
1933"Quatorze Juillet" (Rene Clair); "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (Mamoulian);
    "Queen Christina" (Garbo).
     Nazi propaganda minister Goebels bans modernism in art.
1934"It Happened One Night" Academy Award (Frank Capra);
   "Le derier milliardaire" (Rene Clair);
   "The Private Life of Henry VIII"(Henry Korda: Charles Laughton)
1935 "Anna Karenina" (Garbo);
    "Mutiny on the Bounty" Academy Award
    (Clark Gable, Charles Laughton);
    "Pasteur" (Paul Muni);"David Copperfield" (David Selznick)
1936"Modern Times" (Chaplin);
   "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" (Capra: Jimmy Stewart);(***)
   "San Francisco" (Clark Gable, Spencer Tracey);
    "The Gohst Goes West" (Rene Clair);
   "Intermezzo" (Ingrid Bergman)
1937"Un carnet de bal" (Duvivier);
   "La grande illusion" (Jean Renoir);
   "Camille" (Garbo);
   "The Life of Emile Zola" Academy Award (Paul Muni);
   "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (Disney)
(to be continued)

Sun, 4 May 2003
You are right it must be Gary Cooper who played in "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town".( ***)
I put the name of James Stewart down, confusing it with "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington". Please correct.
Since my list is selectively compiled from the History Yearbook I mentioned before, there must be many movies missed by the original German author.

Please insert your favorite movies as many as you think appropriate.

It is interesting to know that the German film Mikansei was made in 1935, two years after the Nazis banned all forms of arts that they considered "decadent".      註(未完成交響楽:原題 Leise flehen meine Lieder)
My guess is maybe the film was not made in Germany but in Vienna, Austria, where the Schubert story took place.
The Nazis did not occupy Austria until 1938.
At the beginning of the movie, Schubert takes his favorite guitar to a pawn shop for some money so that he can rent a morning coat to play in a piano concert.
The daughter of pawnshop owner falls in love with him.
Now or in ancient days, in Europe and in America, almost all pawn shops are Jewish owned.
It is hard to imagine that the Jew hating Germans in those days would put Schubert in such "embarassing" scenes.
