如水会 実務英語研究会

  Aug 3,1998

Dear Yuichi:

Your letter of 7/25 arrived Friday afternoon, just before I left for San Antonio, and the article in the S/S was waiting for me when I returned on Sunday afternoon. We were celebraing my son's and oldest daughter's birthdays.

Your letter and the article were interesting, but I must admit I was irritated by Joe's statement in saying my meeting with Tojo was untrue. Therefore, I must give you some explanation.

I use to visit Joe often in San Antonio and I kept him informed of any development or news I had received, but I stopped doing it several years ago a number of reasons. I will not go into all of the details, but I will say this much. Joe tends to make broad general statements about things or events which he knows little or nothing, about and cannot verify them by giving any details to substantiate his statements. He became angry on several occasions when I questioned the accuracy of some of his statements and he could not back them up (verify) with any details or factual information or knowledge. His statement to you about my meeting with Tojo is a good example. He was not present at the time nor was anyone else that I know of being in view. Everyone would have disappeared in such a situation. I was not able to do so. Joe has assumed ( believed ) that since it did not happen to him, it could not of happen to anyone else. It would be like my saying Joe's statement of the incident was untrue because that was not the way it happened to me. This would be an irresponsible statement for me to make because I was not there with him and I could not verify it with other people who may have witness the scene. When Joe told me several years ago about his laying on the ground he could not give me any details; such as-Where did it happen? Who else was present? I do not recall of hearing anyone else making a similar statement. I can only assume, without verification, that it did happened to Joe.

I am now very reluctant or do not want to tell Joe about any future interviews because he wants to invite himself to take part in them even though he had not been asked to do so. When he heard from someone that CBS wanted to interview W. and Zamperni he asked me when it would take place ( occur ) because he wanted to go to Japan and participate in the interview. I tried to be polite in telling him that CBS did not want news of the possible interview to get out and that it would not be appropriate for him to go there because he had not been invited to be included. He has tried to involved himself into several other similar situations. I hope he will not be interviewed by the British company when they interview me . It could be very embarrassing or difficult for both of us; especially for him. I would not like that to happen.

I am still waiting to hear more details about the interview. I only know that it will be in Arlington ( near Dallas ) on the 18th. of this month. I told them I would be there, but I do not know where I am to meet them.

The S/S article was interesting. I have not heard anything about it from Joe. "..., if not prospective friends " means that you could become friends in the future. Joe is the only person that I have heard tells of this version of Tojo's visit. Was it during his first or second visit? I am curious about Joe's statement regarding having worked at the steel mill in Kawasaki whild he was in Omori. This may be a mis-statement made by the reporter. I do not recall of any work party from Omori working there while I was in Omori. There were at least two camps in Kawasaki at that time. One of them was later burnt-out during an air raid. I would like to have more clarification about this statement. It could have occurred before I got to Omori; but again, I do not recall hearing about it from anyone else. I wish Parker and Captain James were still alive because they were the only ones who could give complete and reliable information about the out-side work parties. The little information I know about the work parties came from the men who worked at the sites or locations.

You certainly do have a busy schedule. I envy your trip to Austria and etc. this Fall. That is one area I would like to visit. I hope to be able to go there next Spring because I have never been in that part of Europe. Friends, who have been there, have encouraged me to visit the area. My over-seas trips will become less frequent in the future because traveling is becoming more tiring. I must admit, I am getting older. I enjoy being at my destination, but not the going there. Fortunately for me, I do not need medical certificates to fly on Air Force planes. I can understand why tour companies would require a certificate.

You have asked me why I have not come to Japan. I cannot give you a simple reason because time and situations have influenced the reasons for going there. My first criteria ( reason ) to travel is to see places I have not seen before. Although my visit to Japan was not under ideal circumstances and was very limiting, I have been there. I was very close to going back there after we began our correspondence as I wanted to see you, but our meeting in London eliminated the need to go to Japan to see you. That was the main reason why I would go there. I have little or no desire to see where the camp was located because it has changed and has lost its importance. It would be nice to see more of the country-side and to meet the people with whom I have had direct or indirect correspondence. If I did go to Japan, I would not want the so-called "red-carpet" treatment of being dined and entertained. I do not want anyone to feel obligated to do so. I prefer simple visits with the freedom to move about as being the most enjoyable and better for everyone. Neither would I desire publicity. My ego (self-esteem) does not need it. This has expressed my feelings. The distance and time have been other influences as have the need to have frequent dental treatment limit where and when I traveled. I repeat that my main reason to travel is to see and do things I have not done before.

I must close as this letter has become longer than I intended. I will keep you informed about the British interview.

Robert R. Martindale


如水会 実務英語研究会