如水会 実務英語研究会


Dear Yuichi;

This will be a short letter in answer to your letter of 3/1 because I will leave tomorrow morning for Fredericksburg to attend the Adm. Nimits symposium. It had been scheduled for last October, but had to be delayed due to the serve illness of Helen McDonald's mother in California.

I explained in my previous letter about CBS having to change the dates of the Zamperini story. I also sent you a copy of the video, but I am afraid you will not be able to view it because the American VHS systems is different from that which is used in other countries. I have just found out about this difference. Please let me know if there is a diffence between the American and Japanese systems. I am going to have a commercial company redo the tape so that it will be compatible to the British system. I will have an extra one made so that I can send you one after I hear from you. I regret I cannot get it there by the 15th.

I am glad that you were able to compare notes with Lou about my manuscript. I tried two times to arrange a visit with him in California so that I could clarify the accuracy of some of the facts that worried me, but he said it was not a convenient time for a visit with him. All of the necessary corrections have already been made. I do realize the importance of being accurate and that is why I keep trying to get more information from difference sources. I cannot rely upon any one else's memory any more that I can rely upon my own memory.

Although the CBS presentation was very good, I was disappointed in not seeing more of Tom's and your interviews. They were very brief.



如水会 実務英語研究会