如水会 実務英語研究会

Dear Yuichi;

I am starting this letter now so that I can respond to your two post cards and I will finish it later this week when I have some definite news to give. Friday, I hope to be able to start making some decisions in regards to doing some traveling. I would like to take an overseas trip next month, but I will not know the Air Force flight schedule until Friday. Early indications are not good. I would also like to get to San Francisco and also get to see my daughter in Charlotte, if she does not come here over the Easter weekend ( April 12-13 ). Everything is very uncertain at this time.

I am very glad you could use the tape I sent you. I had ten made for my family and friends, including four for England, Scotlan, Norway and yours. Then I found out the overseas ones were not suitable for their systems. So I had ten more made which would be suitable. Your card came the day I was addressing the packages. This was good news because I knew how anxious you were to see the video. I was then able to sent the second tape, which I had made for you, to someone else in England. I am now glad that the Zamperini show is over because I was too busy in making telephone calls every time the date was changed and then in getting the tapes sent to everyone. This put behind in my answering correspondence and daily routines. Now I am just about caught-up on everything.

I can understand and appreciate your concern about W. taking some actions against you. However, I do not believe you should worry about it because it would be very unwise for W. to do anything now. It would only verify ( make true ) his bad behavior. I believe his son would not allow him to do anything which would draw more attention to him.

Did you get to see the tape of Simon's interview with W.? It would be interesting to see W's reactions to Simon's questions.

My travel plans are now becoming clearer. Thursday I received the AF flight schedule for April from Kelly. Nothing to Europe. Decided to go to San Francisco on the 31st. Friday, I got a new schedule showing a flight to Frankfurt, Germany, on the 22nd. This is good timing as my sign-up time runs out on the 27th. This will put me at the near the head of list to get on the flight. As of now, I am not sure where I will try to go from Frankfurt. I will get a Euro-rail pass and then see what happens. Cancelled S.F. My youngest daughter will be here on Easter from Charlotte, N.C. This is my tentative travel plan. It could change later.



如水会 実務英語研究会