新嘗祭 -
Day)は、アメリカ合衆国とカナダの祝日のひとつ。 ... 州によっては感謝祭の翌日の金曜日もThanksgiving
Fridayとして祝日扱いとなっており、また祝日でない州においても企業が独自に休日を設定している場合も ... |
The Official Site for Black Friday. Black
Friday, also known as the Day After Thanksgiving, or Blitz Day, is the day
most retail stores offer customers great deals for shopping on the first day of
the Christmas Shopping Season. |
<Cyber Monday> Shop.org <CyberMonday> - Home
Join us and Shop@Lunch on CyberMonday Cyber
Monday is a Shop.org-coined term for the Monday after Thanksgiving (November
26). Cyber Monday is seen by many retailers, consumers and the media as the
official kick-off to the online holiday ... |