5組張漢卿君(ED)が ご長女ジュディーさんに宛てたメールです。
コピーを私・山崎坦 並びに お子様方に送信。

送信者: Edward Chang
宛先: judy Chang

Cc:Hiroshi Yamazaki ;
  How Wei Wei ;Irene/Tony Britt;Steve Mark;Malina chang;Alex Britt;Haan
件名 : Magnolia flowers
日時 : 2008年4月26日


My former classmate and best friend in Japan, Mr. Hiroshi Yamazaki or "Yamatan",
is a great lover of flowers and the Tang poems. (註:唐詩)

He and I have been exchanging views by email on two particular stanzas
composed in the 7th century by Liu Tingzhi (劉庭芝)
In Chinese text, they appear like this:

年年??花相似   ??年年人不同          (山崎註:??=歳歳)

When translated word by word in English, most of the intricacies will be lost as:

"Years after years, flowers look alike.
 Years after years,people are not the same."

Today I saw our magnolia tree in full blossom again, just like Mom and I saw it together last year.
Then suddenly this old Tang poem came back to me in such a depth I have never felt before.
To calm myself, I tried to translate the poem again in words much closer and dearer to me:

"The flowers are blooming again like those years before.
 But the beloved one is not to be seen anywhere, anymore."



[特別目次][年年歳歳花相似]     (唐詩) 劉廷芝  [白髪を悲しむ老人の嘆き歌]

2007年5月11日 Magnolia and Tulip  5組 張 漢卿 Toronto  [MAGNOLIA 2006]

2006年3月27日  5組 張 漢卿    

2005・06・15 5組 張 漢卿  

2003年11月    5組 張 漢卿 

[会員近影2004] 5組張漢卿  カナダ の マグノリア と チューリップ(20万本の話)

カナダに来て37年  「卒業60周年記念文集」(1941+60)2001年